Serbia Turbofolk: turbofolk02

BELGRADE, SERBIA.  A couple making out in a quiet corner at Bard, a nightclub on a splav or barge on the Danube River, as Dara Bubamara belts out fast-paced turbofolk hits on July 8, 2015.  Dara Bubamara's career extends back to 1989 when she got her start on television singing songs by Lepa Brena.

BELGRADE, SERBIA. A couple making out in a quiet corner at Bard, a nightclub on a splav or barge on the Danube River, as Dara Bubamara belts out fast-paced turbofolk hits on July 8, 2015. Dara Bubamara's career extends back to 1989 when she got her start on television singing songs by Lepa Brena.